The doctor signed Char’s release papers just before lunch today and she couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Which was slightly impeded by the fact that her walking pace right now is roughly that of an inebriated snail. She relented to using a wheelchair to get to the car and wanted to stop for lunch on the way home (anything other than hospital food) and once we were home she spent a little time with the kids and then let me help her up the stairs so that she could take a nap. She’s royally wiped out and I don’t expect her to have a whole lot of energy for the next couple of days.
To say the kids were over the top excited that she got to come home is an understatement. The noise level jacked up high enough that even Alex was annoyed by it and suggested that since their mother would need to sleep the rest of the day maybe they should go over to Grandpa’s. As generous as that sounds, it’s tempered by my discovery that Brad just bought a 73” plasma TV, which trumps the 52” my kids are forced to suffer with. He also bought a Wii and let them each pick out 2 games which makes him Supergrandpa; forget the fact they have a perfectly good Xbox.
No, really, I was impressed at Alex’s consideration and grateful for it. I’m not sure how happy Char will be when she wakes up and the kids are gone but I’ll deal with that fallout when I have to. She can get mad. All I care about is that she’s home.
On the agenda tomorrow is trading my car in for something practical. I can’t cart the family around in my little convertible and it’ll be a while before Char can drive, and when she is able I want her to be able to pick out what she wants, not what I think she might like. Wednesday she starts rehab and with any luck on Thursday she gets her cast cut down so that she’ll have elbow movement.
Right now I regret that our church doesn’t have daily mass anymore. You can bet I feel like going. I am so farking grateful. More than I can actually express.
Shut up, Thump.
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