Sunday, July 12, 2009

PT today was short and consisted of Char getting up and hobbling across the room to sit in the recliner while being held up by a woman so small if Char had fallen over on top of she probably would have snapped in half. An hour later she hobbled back. She says it hurt like hell but not nearly as much as she was afraid it would.

This afternoon they brought a wheelchair into the room and as long as she has help, she can get up and be pushed up and down the hall. We did that for about twenty minutes and by then she was tired enough to get back in bed and sleep for a while. She's hoping that tomorrow she'll have enough energy to go to the cafeteria and have lunch with the kids, and I'm hoping she doesn't wind up disappointed. She might feel like it but that doesn't mean Nurse Ratchet is going to let her off the floor.

Her nurse told me today that I need to make arrangements for continued PT after she's released and I need to consider her mobility around the house. That makes me think she's improving enough that she could be sent home by the end of the week.

We already have a wheelchair and ramp if she needs it and the downstairs bathroom is completely accessible. Mostly I need to worry about her getting around upstairs but we'll figure it out.

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