Monday, March 8, 2010


Whatever I feel, which at this point is empathy for Tanner, I have to keep it to myself, at least around the kids. Whatever they think about the fact that I had a life before they were born, they don't need to be beat over the head with it, and Kevin's birthday is in 3 days. I refused to cast a pall over that. We're taking the kids skiing tomorrow and we'll be there for a few days; whatever happens I can suck it up.

Our fingers are definitely crossed that Kathy surprises everyone and recovers, but the truth is that even if she lives, it might not be the life she would want for herself. It could wind up being the life I know she'll despise.

That would really suck.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with not loading the kids down with details. BUT...(there's always a but, eh?) I agree with Thump. They also need to know that you can feel compassion for someone that was once a part of your life.
