Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bringing Down the House

As much as it seems like it might be, life in UndrVille Estates is not revolving around my crotch. In fact, other when Char tries to torment me, knowing I don't yet have my doc's clearance to go very far at all, and when I have to pop a pill for the pain (which was only once today and once yesterday, courtesy of Goofy, formerly known as Dingleberry, when he landed on me after leaping off the headboard) it hasn't exactly been a topic of discussion at home.

Over the weekend the topic was term papers and book reports, which required trips to the library and bookstore, and a major discussion on the topic of an essay Alex is drafting for English class. They're spending a few weeks on the journalistic process, and this week they're working on op-ed pieces. He's tackling the subject of the Church as an imperfect entity; Char and I are not at all sure this is a good idea, but the assignment sheet clearly states the subject matter is up to the student and is not graded on the content of their opinion, but the basis for their arguments as supported by fact and the clarity of the writing: spelling and grammar count.

My son is going to shred the Catholic church. In an English class held in a Catholic school.

His arguments are well thought out and he has plenty of supporting research material (as it applies to his opinion) and he has the ability to write the essay without it becoming a bullying statement, but Char and I keep bringing up the same point: it's a Catholic school, son, and this is not going to go over well.

He'll either get an A, or get suspended. He won't get expelled, because if he goes so do Rachel and Kevin, and along with it all that tuition money and the random “donations” throughout the school year.

Alex will back down and write something else if we insist, but how can we? We've spent fourteen years raising this kid to think and speak for himself, and we've encouraged him to voice his opinion as long as he can state it without attacking someone personally and without making the target of his opinion feel stupid or worthless. He can do this and maintain respect; we can't tell him to not write the essay.

That doesn't make us feel at ease with it.

Tomorrow he and Char expect to get their test results. Who knows, he may go out in a blaze of glory and find life will be much more comfortable out of high school. I hope not, but we're bracing for it.


  1. Good to hear that the house doesn't rise and fall around the Head of the Undrs.

    I can't stop myself...I'm sorry.

  2. So how did the test results turn out?
