Monday, March 1, 2010

No more waiting at the gate, dammit

Over the years Char has dropped me off at the airport at least a hundred times; I'd never considered it from her point of view before. I just always grabbed my bags, kissed her goodbye, and went in. It's much more awkward on the dropping-off side; I didn't want to just pull up, kick her out of the car, and leave, so I parked and waited with her and Nika while they checked their bags, but that was it. That's as far as I could go and when they were ready to go through security, I had to leave.

Now I'm just waiting until it's time to go pick the kids up from school. I got online looking for someone to play with, but everyone is either working or they've also taken off for a few days. Yeah, cue me being pouty. I have a shitload of stuff to do tomorrow and Wednesday, but am bored out of my mind right now.

After school I'm taking the kids bowling and then out to dinner, and whatever else they feel like doing. I have a nasty feeling that at some point this week what they'll feel like doing will involve me being dragged around the mall, mostly because they know I hate being dragged around the mall.


  1. So what did ya eat? Junky food?

  2. The kids aren't really wanting fast food; they've been wanting "real" food which means high class places like Applebees ;)

    I made cookies today. Sliced and baked them all by myself.
