Sunday, January 17, 2010

Kevin has been enjoying his illness, taking advantage of not being allowed to go to school yet not feeling particularly sick. Tonight, however, he realized Rachel's birthday party is in one week (birthday in 9 days) and if he's not fully recovered, he doesn't get to be here for it. If he still has unscabbed blisters, he's going to Grandpa's, just in case not all of Rachel's friends have had it.

Normally he'd be happy with spending the night at Grandpa's, but he likes being around his sister's friends; he's also a bit intrigued because this will be her first party where boys are allowed, and some of Alex's friends will also be here. If they're both here having fun, he wants to be, also.

(I'd go to Brad's with him, but I'm not leaving Char to handle a houseful of squeaky, hormonal kids alone. No, I don't trust the boys. I was one of them once.)

On Rachel's actual birthday we had planned on a family dinner out, but she's already told Char that if Kevin is still sick she doesn't mind if we do something at home; I'm just hoping that he's fine by then, and that no one else comes down with it.

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