He drags his ass, but he doesn't usually fight it. But last night, holy shit, that kid fought bedtime. He headed for the back of the house when told it was time to get ready for bed; half an hour later Char realized she hadn't heard the shower go on, so I got up and went to see if he was all right. He was sitting in the middle of his bedroom on the floor with a comic book. Oh. I forgot.
Half an hour after that, I couldn't reach the clean towels.
Then, But I'm really hungry. Can I get a snack first?
At some point we heard water going through the pipes, and went back to the things we'd been doing. Char was absorbed in a book and I was distracted by any one of a hundred things that distracts me every day; after a long span of quiet she looked up and mentioned that Kevin hadn't come in to say goodnight. And this kid will not go to bed without getting a hug and a kiss.
So I got up again.
And found him sitting on his bedroom floor again, still wearing the clothes he'd been in an hour earlier. The sound of the shower had come from Rachel's bathroom, and she was already in bed. Oh. I was waiting for Rachel to be done so there would be hot water.
I gave him ten seconds to get up and get his ass into the bathroom; he got up.
Ten minutes later there was still no shower running, but he claimed he was "in the disposal" (indisposed) and would be in it in a minute.
Twenty minutes later he was standing in front of the mirror in his underwear, still unshowered, and it looked like he was counting freckles on his chest. Alex stepped in and told Kevin to hurry the hell up because he wanted to take a shower, too. I threatened to shove him under the water in his underwear--and that's when Kevin completely lost his shit and started crying.
And damned if the kid didn't verbally bullet list his complaints.
- It's not fair, Alex and Rachel never had to go to bed that early
- he wasn't dirty and didn't need a shower
- why were we so mean?
- he was hungry
- he was thirsty
- he wanted to read
- and on and on
Way to make me look like an asshole, kid.
In the face of a 102.4 degree temperature, she decided the shower could wait, got him to brush his teeth (just by asking), dosed him with Tylenol, picked him up and tucked him into bed, and then sat with him until he was asleep.
This morning he looked just fine, but a bit sleepy. Still, we kept him home because those freckles he was counting--those were actually tiny blisters.
The kid has chicken pox.
He's right, yer mean. Really, really, mean.
ReplyDeleteBut don't feel too bad...the few times mine was a complete little jerk he was inevitably sick the next day and I rarely picked up it until he was showing symptoms.
His revenge for me not picking up on it before he got chicken pox? He gave me the freaking chicken pox. It was such a fun way to spend that Christmas...