Thursday, February 18, 2010

It feels a bit chicken-little-like to be worrying about Alex's classes over the next couple of years. We know that one way or the other things will resolve; I think we just resent being put in this position in the first place. We're also worried about what this forebodes. They're cutting some very important classes, so what's next? We know a tuition hike is coming next year, more money for fewer educational opportunities for out kids, but will anything else happen? Will the school even survive? Next year we might be looking back laughing at ourselves for getting worked up over this, but I think we both worry that this might mean more than just an inconvenience in transporting Alex around and a few more dollars being spent to cram more into his brain.

For right now, Alex is excited about the idea that he'll be taking a few classes at the community college, and if we leave it completely up to him, that's what he'll do. He's pointed out more than once that Evan will have his driver's license in November and that would only leave us inconvenienced for a couple of months, but he doesn't want to admit that just because Evan has a license that doesn't mean he'll have a car, or even permission to be their driver. To their credit, neither one wants to test out of high school completely; they don't want to miss out on everything that will go on during their senior year, and left unsaid is that they don't want to leave their girlfriends behind.

If this is the way we go, and the more we talk the more likely it seems, Ian will probably use it as an opportunity to take a class or two, rather than making the drive to pick the kids up, drop them off, then go back two hours later. If he does, I pity the teachers, because I suspect he is one annoying student to have.

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