Kevin has taken serious delight in wandering around singing I Kissed A Girl because it annoys Alex to no end. Alex has tried to get him to stop by reminding him that it's a song about one girl kissing another; Kevin shrugs it off and doesn't care. Alex tried a new tactic to get Kevin to stop tonight; his little brother was mostly singing under his breath, probably habit, but Alex pointed at him and said There. Right there. That line is "I hope my boyfriend won't mind." Do you have a boyfriend? Are you GOING to have a boyfriend?
Kevin looked up, grinned, and said mayyyyybe.
He caught Alex off guard, but he regrouped within a few seconds and asked if Kevin had any idea what that meant; Kevin shrugged and then nodded. I was sitting right there, determined to stay out if it, until Alex gestured toward me and told Kevin if he ever brought home a boyfriend I would explode.
Would you? Kevin asked.
Any possible boyfriend would be as welcome in this house as a girlfriend. I asked Alex where the hell he got the idea I would be upset if any of my kids was gay; I just thought because you're so old...
He shut up before he finished that thought.
No, he doesn't care if his brother is gay, straight, or undecided. He's just tired of hearing Kevin sing that damned song (and frankly so am I but I know better than to say anything.) Alex wandered off to find Tank to take him for a walk; I asked Kevin if he thought he would wind up with boyfriends instead of girlfriends. He says he just likes teasing Alex and really likes girls.
I'm not as sure and honestly do not care, as long as one of my kids pops out with a biological grandkid or two.
And I really hope Kevin picks a new song to sing endlessly soon.
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