I realized when I turned forty that it had grown back. So did a farking forest of other hair. Now instead of being annoyed that she plunked one wayward hair I’m wondering how badly it would itch to engage in a full body shave.

My weight hasn’t changed much, which is marginally comforting because face it, for every 30 pounds you gain your junk loses an inch and I’m certain that would bother Char more than the moobs.
The only reason I’m thinking about this right now; Char has been going through photographs she’s taken over the years (she is a gifted photographer) and showed some of them to the kids. She shot a series of photographs of me not too long after we got married. And in most of them I’m shirtless (no she did not show that picture to the kids), working out, or jogging. At first none of the kids believed that was even me, but once Char convinced them that the exhibitionist in the photographs was their father, Rachel looked up and asked me sincerely What happened?
Someone remind me again why I wanted kids so badly. And someone give me a damned Ding Dong. If I’m losing the body I might as well enjoy it.
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