Thursday, September 24, 2009

I realized something Monday when I was sitting on Alex's bed talking to him. He is about half an inch taller than his bed is long, and unless the top of his head is jammed against the headboard his feet hang off the end. He's never complained about this and I'm not sure he's ever really noticed it. After we picked the kids up from school we took the boy genius shopping for a new bed and wound up getting beds for all the kids (because, as Char put it, we bought the ones they have before they were even born, God only knows what's growing in those mattresses.) I'm not sure why a pint sized ten year old needs a queen sized bed, but Alex argued on his behalf that he won't be so short forever (I think he might be, but let's give the kid hope.)

Char made the mistake of flopping down on one of those Swedish memory foam beds and marveled that it didn't hurt to lie on her left side on it. I'll sleep on anything, so why the hell not. But then came adding in frames and headboards and delivery and I realized I was only there to hand over the debit card as I stared blankly at the total. Once I blinked Char told me that really my purpose in life was the paycheck, but now that I'm not working, I need to find something else to give my existence meaning.

The beds will be delivered tomorrow and utilities and cable are on, which prompted the kids to declare that was enough to essentially move into the new house, and for them to request that we skip the dojang today and go home to pack enough clothes, sheets, towels, and food so that they can sleep there starting tomorrow. The interior painting is done so I didn't have a good reason to tell them no, but it does mean while they're at school tomorrow my ass will be hauling shit from one house to the other. In the interest of marital harmony (because I will not let Char help move a damned thing no matter how much she protests) Theresa will take Char to PT and then shopping for other house stuff that I have no interest in. Bed shopping was bad enough but if I have to pick out curtains I will blow my damned brains out in the middle of Curtains R Us or Drapes Drapes Drapes or whatever the hell they call those stores. When she wants to shop for a lawn mower, I'm there.


  1. That's one reason I just either get fabric, sew a rod sleeve and be done with it - or go to a cheapo store for the curtains. They just aren't that important to me. We're klassy like that.

    Make the kids do the moving if they want to do it so badly! That's what kids are for, no? Slave labor?

  2. I have a Tempur Pedic bed...and have a love-hate relationship with it. Tell ya what, if it feels way too hard, take the mattress cover off...makes a world of difference.
