Wednesday, August 5, 2009

While Char is progressing nicely and healing seemingly well, she’s still in an incredible amount of pain most of the time. She hides it well, well enough that the kids have no idea, but it’s wearing her down. Today she had a MRI of the left side of her body; they’re looking for any obvious causes that may have been missed before. From the outside, you’d think she was 90% healed. Her incisions don’t have that wild raw look anymore and her facial swelling is gone (though her nose is still very tender and probably will be for a while). The bruises have all faded. But still, she’s admitted that most of the time it’s barely within her ability to control, and we need to know why.

We should know by the beginning of next week.

She spent three hours lying still while getting the MRI, and I assumed afterward she would just want to go home and take a nap. But, she wanted to go to the dojang and walk in the pool. I walked with her for a while, and then Alex and Rachel did; Kevin intended to help but cannonballs from the side of the pool were about all he could manage.

No, I did not wear the damned Speedo with the kids there and I won’t if there are any students around. I lost a female student once because of tight Lycra shorts; I don’t care to repeat that.

School starts next week and I think Char will get most of her pool workouts done earlier in the day; the kids are helpful, but… It’ll be more productive if it’s just the two of us, I think.

1 comment:

  1. (Here via Thumper!)

    Could it just be the nerves getting back to rights? I had a nerve cut during surgery over *cough*20*cough* years ago and I still get the weird random pain from it occasionally. Nothing *near* what Char is going through, just trying to help. there an opening bid to see said Speedo, however?
