She has no intention of giving up the SUV; she says she feels safer in it, and if that's all it takes to make her feel better when she's behind the wheel, I have no problem giving it up. Safe was the main reason I bought it; the convertible I had at the time freaked Rachel out and the bigger vehicle made her feel better. Now it makes Char feel better. So it's all good.
Still, I'm the one who gets to take Kevin and Rachel to the orthodontist tomorrow; and even though Rachel suddenly feels "sick" unless there's a royal fever involved or she pukes blood all over the place, she's going. I can't seem to make her understand she's not coming home tomorrow with braces, it's just the initial exam, but she's positive that life as she knows it is ruined forever.
It's only ruined for about two years, and maybe the mouthful of metal will keep those squeaky boys away for a while.
My hygienest had the clear braces & I didn't even notice them until she pointed them out. That would be a great option for Rachel! Wish I'd had my teeth straightened when I was young.