Monday, January 3, 2011

Well, I think it's funny

Alex tried to register online today for his next semester classes, but was thwarted by the psychology class he hoped to take. He did not, the error message said, meet the age requirement to enroll in said class. We learned this by overhearing him complain to his friend Evan; "It's a fucking psych class. I meet the pre-req. I should be able to take it if I want."

Deny his son an educational experience? Ian turned into Super Dad; he knows most of the faculty in the psych department, and interrupted their conversation to ask who the instructor is. He could make a call and find out if the requirement could be waved.

Alex mumbled his name, obviously not wanting Ian to get involved. As soon as Ian heard the name, he turned around and headed for the phone, chuckling under his breath.

I wanted to know why any course taught there would be closed to a student based on age.

"Because," Ian said before he picked up the phone, "he wants to take a class in the psychology of sex."

I wanted to stop him from making that call; there are plenty of other classes Alex can take, and I see no need for him to get into this particular one right now.

"I took it," Ian informed me. "Relax. It's not like he'll be watching porn. Well, not much, anyway."

I couldn't get to the phone to wrestle it away from him before he had dialed the number.

While he exchanged pleasantries with his former colleague, I went to do laundry and to try to think of something other than my teenaged son fixated on sex and getting a grade for it. And also, to figure out a way to convince him to not take it even if his dad could arrange it. I don't care if Alex understands the particulars of sex, that doesn't mean I want him studying it as well.

As fas as Ian is concerned, any academic endeavor is worth pursuing.

Half an hour later, Ian was off the phone, and had news for Alex. "You can take the class, but you'll have to wait for the first day and enroll as an add-in. He'll hold a slot for you."

There was a but there, and I could hear it.

Alex did, too, because he waited for it.

"You can take it if I agree to chaperone you."

"What? I have to go to class with my Dad?"

It was a class of over a hundred students, Ian explained. He would sit in the very back and they could pretend they didn't know each other. The class wades into some serious territory, and is not appropriate for the average fifteen year old. But, we would allow it under these circumstances; this was the deal, take it or leave it.

I think Ian presumed Alex would leave it. But, he looked at me, looked back at Ian, and then said, "All right. You probably should take it. You might learn something."

Now I think Ian is hoping Alex changes his mind at the last minute, but I know my son; he's going to do whatever he can to make his dad squirm.

And who knows, maybe he really will learn something :)

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