Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bizzy, Yo

Busy is an understatement. The last 2 months have been packed, much of it with Char's surgery and recovery, a lot of it with Alex's educational issues.

Right off the bat, Char had hip replacement surgery on February 1st and it went well; she didn't spend a lot of time in the hospital, was up and moving around with a walker in a little over a week, started rehab, killed rehab, and is now getting around just fine on her own. She still aches and still requires PT, but everything went far better than we had hoped and were led to believe it would go.

In the middle of all this Alex has been sweating about which colleges he'd applied to would send acceptance letters and which would send regrets; he fielded numerous calls about his interests and Brad accompanied him on several trips for interviews. He has been genuinely torn, because he has available to him several tremendous opportunities, and he has been conflicted about the direction he wants to go.

Everything came down to two important things: the chance to study abroad, and not wanting to leave everyone behind. He'd been genuinely excited about the prospect of living overseas and having his family close by. Rachel and Kevin had also become very excited. Hell, so had Char and I. We pushed the idea aside when it was clear that she had to have surgery soon, and when her doctor thought she would require months of recovery.

She's doing far better than expected. By the time the school year rolls over, she's likely to be at full recovery.

So, we're likely moving. Every member of this family wants to go, even if only for a year or two. Alex, Miko, and I are heading off to look for places to live while Brad stays here to help Char out, and while we're there Alex will decide between two universities that have offered him a place there.

All the pieces are falling so neatly into place that it makes no sense to not take this opportunity. The biggest worries Char and I had, leaving an empty house and leaving my brother behind, were solved easily enough with Craig's offer to move in for the duration. Frankie will be moving in with him and is possibly more determined than I to make sure he stays clean and sober.

It's not 100%; that will depend on what I find when Miko and I are looking for homes. But I've seen enough of the city to know that we'll find something good, even if temporary.

The kids are excited; I don't think they've truly considered what it will be like to leave their friends behind, but for now they're thrilled.

And oddly enough, I feel relief.

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