Saturday, April 30, 2011

I miss being that young

Rachel is either just young or a freak of nature, or perhaps a combination of the two. She was up at a reasonable time this morning, bouncing around, claiming that she was only a little achy and didn't even need Motrin for it. She was also upset with the news that no matter how good she feels, she's not going jogging with Rob, she's not going to TKD, she's not taking the dog for a walk, and she's not doing much of anything. This includes going out with New Guy Rob, Alex, and Stephanie tonight.

She didn't try to argue the point when she normally would have, but still, she was not happy about it. Sitting around with Mom and Dad would be boring and even Kevin has plans with Elizabeth and Grandpa.

Alex and Stephanie are fairly laid back and don't go out every weekend; half the time they hang around here and watch DVDs, so Alex didn't feel especially out of line telling Rachel that they'd just stay here with her, order a pizza, and watch movies or play games, whatever she wanted. He called Steph to double check, and she was fine with the idea.

That lifted Rachel's mood considerably, and she called New Guy Rob to tell him about the change of plans. New Guy Rob, however, was less enamored with the idea and told her he assumed she wouldn't be able to go out at all, so he made other plans.

With another girl.

Granted, he and Rachel are not "a couple." She accepts that. But she's mad as hell that he didn't have the courtesy to call her and cancel their plans instead of just assuming. She was also ticked off that in the same 3 minute phone call he wanted to know if I still wanted to go running with him this morning even though it was obvious she couldn't go.

I'm trying to remember if I was as much of an ass when I was 14.

As annoyed with him as she is, when Kevin asked her if she was going to break up with him, she shrugged it off and said he's thoughtless but he's still a nice guy and there's nothing to break up, so she'll give him another chance.

I suppose this means I have to, as well.

I assumed his absence would mean Alex and Stephanie would be the only ones hanging around with her tonight, but no. In the half an hour I was outside walking the dog she called five of her friends, and they're all coming over, too.

Six fourteen year old girls. One fifteen year old girl. I'm already dreading the noise level.

Alex and I may have to go off and shoot pool or something.

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