Thursday, April 21, 2011


Someone is fifty years old today. We celebrated with the kids yesterday, mostly because it was Thad's first birthday and Ian wanted the focus on him, but he couldn't stop very single person who walked through the door from looking at him and saying "FIFTY!" as if it was amazing that anyone could possibly live that long. Even my dad, who is only 9 years older than Ian, had to poke the bear every now and then with a sarcastic "FIFTY!"

Tonight, Ian and I are going to celebrate his half century together, alone, which is the only thing I could get him to admit that he wants. He was pretty insistent that he didn't want any toys (unlike last year, when he turned into an 8 year old) or even anything practical. He just wants to go out and do something, which means dinner at the only restaurant that exists in his little world, and then going to my dad's bar to shoot pool (and drink for free since it is his birthday. Oh yeah, he'll take a gift from my dad.)

I really wanted to have a major blowout since it's a major birthday, but I suppose I'll let him have his way.

He might as well, because his physical is due soon, and you know what medical adventure the doctor is going to want this year :)

Happy birthday, sweetheart. I love you, and I can't wait to see the look on your face the day you find out what the "prep" involves!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, 50 is the new, um . . . well, I guess it's just 50. My 50th part was all about what kind of food my kid wanted, how many balloons she wanted, and which toddler friends she wanted to invite.

    BTW - Happy gardening.
