Sunday, September 12, 2010


Since the accident over a year ago, I've gained around 25 pounds, and none of it is muscle. This wouldn't be half as annoying as it is, but I'm married to a man who can pound back 3,000 calories a day and not gain a thing, or if he does gain it's all muscle. Now, he knows better than to point out the obvious to me, like get back to the dojang or put in a little more effort at the gym. Or even spend more time in the pool. When I complain about it, once in a while I see his eyebrow arch and I know he's thinking those things, but he usually keeps it to himself. Sometimes, things slip out.

My sister and I are both sweating out fitting into our dresses for her wedding. I know I've gained a few pounds since I bought mine and she says she probably has. A couple of days ago we made the mistake of commiserating with each other in front of Ian and Peter, and Ian off-handedly said, "Well, then put down the cupcakes." (For the record, we had cookies in front of us but I swear we weren't eating them!) He accepted being called a few choice names, and I thought that was the end of it.

But no, yesterday I got home from picking the kids up and what had he done? He made cupcakes! He swears it was a coincidence, but I think we all know better. He's just a little shit.

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