Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Char asked Alex how he liked their first ballet class: it was Kevin, ten little girls between eight and ten, and me. How do you think I liked it?

From where I sat, where there were five or six teenaged girls watching Alex take that class, I think he liked it just fine.

Kevin thought it was "okay." During the first part of the class the teacher was talking about how flexible they would get over the next year, and before they knew it they'd be able to do splits and balance on one leg; the other half of the class they got to try to balance with one leg in the air. Alex and Kevin both had their feet head high and stood stock still, prompting giggles from the girls. She then asked if either of them could do the splits and they both dropped to the floor. From the look on her face I couldn't tell if she was impressed or now worries she has a couple of show offs.

Alex is only committed for two weeks, which is four classes. I suspect that's all he'll be taking. Kevin is committed to six weeks; we'll see how he feels about it then, but he's flexible enough for it.

Tomorrow I'm taking Char out to try driving in an empty lot for a bit. She's worried about running the car into a lamppost; I figure it's just a car, so no big deal. We'll see if she's talking to me by tomorrow afternoon, though.

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