TK's oldest son, like Rachel, is headed into high school this fall. And unlike the parochial school my kids left this year, the public junior high has a "graduation" for them, which is essentially a two hour long snooze fest that even seemed to bore the kids. It's a non-event event; no caps and gowns, held in the afternoon so that half the parents can't attend because of work, all the kids in regular school clothes, fidgeting because they just want the day over with. None of the graduates seemed happy, and there was a lot of grumbling that a class party would have been much more fun.
Never say those words in front of Char. The kids wanted a party, the kids were getting a party. She told Rachel and Bryan to each invite "a few" of their friends, and we'd celebrate the end of junior high. It made the kids happy, which in turn made her happy, right up to the moment where she realized that a graduation party for Bryan meant also inviting Bryan's mother. They haven't been on speaking terms for several years because Char hasn't really forgiven her for the way she treated TK. TK has, but that's beside the point. Like it or not, we were having TK, his girlfriend, and his ex-wife-ex-Char's-best-friend in the house at the same time.
Even Kevin could see the potential there, and muttered This is going to be fun in a very oh-hell-no way.
The kids did have fun. Rachel and her friends liked Bryan and his friends, and the weather cooperated so much of their time was spent milling around the back yard and eating more food than should be humanly possible. They had a stereo going, and once the awkwardness of meeting new friends was over (and aided by Alex and Stephanie) some of them even tried dancing. Kevin and Elizabeth hung around with William and Richard (TK and Becky's twins) and while it was loud, it was tolerable. The goal was for the kids to have fun, and they did.
The adults even did a passable job of keeping the strain hidden. TK was in an awkward position; ideally he shouldn't have brought the girlfriend, but didn't see a way around it. We didn't know her well enough before this party to like or dislike her, but the kids seemed somewhat dismissive of her, and Becky obviously wishes she would die in a metaphorical fire. Still, maturity abounded, and we were able to sit and talk like grownups. I overheard the GF complain once to TK about how rude the kids all were and Becky shoot back that they were just being kids and she didn't need to try to be their friend; Char overheard it as well and covered up nicely, but she really wanted to laugh, because Becky was right. The kids were all being fine, but they didn't want to include the adults, and why would they? Ignoring us wasn't rude; they were outside having a good time, and we were inside trying to be civil.
Trying to be civil included trying to have a reasonable conversation, and when you have kids, the topic tends to drift towards them.
Important to note: TK and Becky's first child died within an hour of birth. Their fifth died within half a day. Both were born with multiple congenital medical problems, and there was nothing that could have been done to prevent it or save them. I didn't think they would ever recover from losing their first baby, and losing their last wrecked them both. They were both drowning in grief after that.
So we were talking about the kids and what they've been up to, and in a very clean moment of wonder that wasn't wrapped up in anger and sorrow, Becky mused about what their oldest would be like now. She would have recently turned fifteen, and Becky said out loud what we've all wondered all along. What would she have looked like? Would she and Alex and Rachel have been fast friends? Tomboy, girly-girl?
Char decided she would have been a princess, Daddy's girl all the way, even moreso than Rachel. And that their youngest daughter would have been the tomboy, always chasing after her brothers.
That made Becky smile and made TK laugh, and Becky said, very simply, that she misses them.
The GF look puzzled and said How? You didn't even know them. It's not like they were alive long enough for you to love them.
Before either TK or Becky could gather a coherent thought, Char leaned forward and very evenly informed the GF that not only were those baby girls loved, they were cherished and treasured, and that a day doesn't go by when Becky doesn't love them and miss them, and the fact that she went on to have her boys is a prime example of how much love she has to give to her children. We all miss those girls. We didn't have to meet them personally to feel the holes in our lives because they're not here. They were loved before they were born, and will be loved as long as any of us are still alive.
The GF was surprised, turned to TK and asked him if he was going to let her be spoken to that way. After all, he doesn't even like his ex.
He fished his keys out of his pocket and handed them to her, telling her to leave. Drive his car back to his apartment and get her own car, and just leave. He would ride back with the ex whom he might not like most days, but still loves every day.
She had the keys in her hand, but looked at them like she didn't know what to do with them until Char told her she had about ten seconds to get the hell out of our house before she was dragged out by her hair.
That got her moving. I think Char intended for us to all stay put and listen to the door slam shut, but I got up and followed her anyway, mostly because I didn't want the kids to hear the door slam shut. I expected to go back into the other room and find TK comforting Becky, but instead it was Char standing in the kitchen with her arms around the former best friend she can barely tolerate.
I was not happy when Becky left TK the way she did; it was cruel and thoughtless, but I also understood it and tried to not hold it against her. I still haven't forgiven her for the way she greeted Char last year after coming back, because it tapped into some very real pain for Char, but I can stand to be around her. I understand why TK still loves her and why their marriage exploded, and if he can forgive her for the way she left then it shouldn't matter so much to me. What matters to me is how she made Char feel about what the accident did to her.
But they did connect over the love of their kids. Char was there in every minute that Becky needed her after both girls were born and when they died, and she knows as much as TK does what Becky is feeling and how hearing that she couldn't have loved them must have hurt. And still angry or not, Char still loves the Becky she knew when they were both still pretty much just teenagers trying to pretend to be all grown up in their new jobs and the Becky who managed to be a pretty good mother to her kids even when she was desperately missing the ones who weren't there.
You don't disrespect someone Char loves in her own house and expect to get away with it.
My brother showed up not long after the GF was booted out, and we went outside to pester the kids while Char and Becky stayed inside to talk. And they talked for a long time, 95% of which I will never be told. I don't think this is a fix to their relationship, but it certainly gave it a place to start.
Craig was not surprised by any of it and mused that TK needs to meet a better class of women. I don't think he wants to meet a better class of women. I think he's just fine with dating women he knows Char will shred to pieces if she thinks she has to.
She's never threatened to drag Becky anywhere by her hair, so that says something.
Do I hope they can be friends again? Sure. Am I counting on it? No. But if Char and Becky can at least be friendly, it will go a long way in helping TK and Becky get back on track, and I think it's a track they both want to be on.
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